Thanks so much for your support this month. It was another hard month like December. I’m thinking February will be better though. These past months have seen my Intimate Interactions publishing buffer run down to finishing an episode with only a couple of days left until it needed to be published. Still, I managed to deliver an episode every week including over the holidays (which was my goal). Thanks for helping me reach that : ).
I’m doing more work on helping with Accountability Pods and plan to dedicate more time to editing and writing my Accountability Guidebook. One challenge is that the tools used in accountability are shared across pods and processes even though the nature and intention are radically different.
As time goes on I find myself learning enough that I dislike how I’ve written stuff in the past around accountability so I’m revising the structure so it isn’t just coherent but is usefully organized. That challenge is almost equal to trying to find relevant, useful information on accountability processes.
Many resources talk about the general concepts but very few talk about implementation. How do you build an accountability pod and once you’ve built it, what do those people actually do? The BATJC has resources. However some questions were harder to answer. I defined roles on my own answering what that pod members were responsible for. Yet I’m still looking for some best practices for how to behave when someone calls in your pod owner.
Moreover pods and call ins are only part of the puzzle. I’m very interested in learning more about indigenous healing circles. The most important and often missed part of this is the “preparing the parties” stage. Often in mediation or other conflict resolution the focus is on “getting folks to talk” but that is often implemented without the necessary personal preparation. Having a set of learning outcomes prior to mediation is of critical interest to me right now as I feel like it’s one of the biggest sources of failure imo in these processes right now.
Hopefully I’ll be able to get some of that research to you in February as well as keeping up with my podcast workload. If you have any requests, feel free to message me on patreon. Thank-you again for your continued support as I do this work on consent and accountability <3.