Thank-you for your support in helping me make resources on reducing sexual assault available to the public for FREE: community leaders, folks who’ve harmed others, survivors, and others.
I’ve been doing a lot of research on accountability stuff and am polishing my VOICES Consent framework into an Accountability framework. I haven’t done the workshop outlines for it yet as I’m currently delving into some deep research.
I’m currently emailing and doing phone conversations with a very generous therapist who specializes in facilitating group sessions with humans who have been both sexually abusive and survivors of sexual abuse. The group sessions are one part of the Revive program at which was a fantastic find. The folks there are kind, smart, and generous. I’m learning a lot.
There’s apparently a Good Lives Model that is fairly philosophically aligned with my values. It looks like a less focused on personal accountability version of Nonviolent Communication that has been developed and geared specifically for criminology. Very useful but I think it could be improved even if the only improvement to be made is accessibility. I’m reading through this and one of the headings is the “aetiological underpinnings of the GLM” when it could say “Understanding the Cause Leads to True Healing.”
And that’s essentially what I’m trying to do – take really good resources and make them accessible to folks who are not academics. I view the inaccessibility of these resources as a form of Classism, and as someone with a degree who grew up working class, I feel a responsibility to try to take these good ideas that are hidden away in academia and do the ground work to understand and explain them to the best of my ability. It isn’t the whole solution, but it’s one part of the very important work of re-examining the solutions, treatments, and strategies for minimizing non consensual sexual violence.
I just wanted to say a sincere thanks for your support on patreon. It’s instrumental in facilitating my doing this needed work. As I produce these resources, they are available by early release here but much more importantly, every resource on consent and education for folks who have harmed others will eventually become free to everyone and published either on my site at or or here on Patreon published for any user to access.
And as always, I cite my sources. You can check out the Good Lives Model and come to your own conclusions about it here: