Lisa Tamati, our Maori ultramarathoner friend who has competed in somewhere around 140 marathons, is back to chat with us about doing the impossible. A mistress of mindset, Lisa chats with us about belief – belief ourselves, but also in people who believe in us. With the feats of stamina and endurance she’s achieved in her life, I can think of few better qualified to speak on the topic. Also plenty of companies and elite athletes pay her for coaching so she probably knows what she’s talking about.

Lisa’s book Relentless goes into more detail if one session leaves you wanting more. You can pick it up on her website at You can also get her podcast for free, Pushing The Limits, everywhere podcasts are found. Have a listen! She’s quite good! Wait – let me channel my inner LeVar Burton: but don’t take my word for it – decide for yourself here on Intimate Interactions.

Pushing The Limits (Podcast) (“Relentless” book)