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Hello, Intimates!

In this episode, Piper, one of my former domestic, kink, and sex partners is back to talk about jealousy. They share lessons of non monogamy that can often benefit everyone including the monogamous. These emotional self-management and interpersonal skills are useful outside of traditionally intimate relationships as well including in work environments, with clients, friends, neighbours, and in many other arenas.

We touch on processing strong feelings, our former intimate partnership, relationship anarchy, boundaries, requests for support, and lots more. We list lots of resources though I only introduce three books after the episode. The rest will be available in the description or at

Ethical Slut, The: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love 3rd ed. (book | audio) 

More Than Two (book | audiobook)

Nonviolent Communication (book | audio)

Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships (book | audio)

Happiness Advantage, The – (book | audio)