I’m currently writing some great consent workshops and hope to have a consent framework (VOICES) released throughout July and August. Once I’ve got a clearer framework, I’ll start breaking it down into targeted workshops.
For visibility and marketing reasons (I wanted my podcast “above the fold” or showing up as a top reward when my page loads), I decided to unpublish this reward tier. You will all still receive your rewards including at the $3.50 tier; however no new patrons will be able to sign up at the $3.50 level.
If you have a friend who wants to show support and only receive the curricula, please feel free to contact mailto:[email protected] and I can republish the tier temporarily.
Moving forward and to keep the Podcast RSS clear of additional content, I’m going to be creating a new tier at $6.50 for voice productions of my workshops that will include all podcast episodes. This is a horizon project for me though and my immediate focus is on generating podcast support so I can continue to produce high quality content.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. Your rewards will continue uninterrupted monthly. <3