Happy two days after Canada day or the day before the 4th of July. Former British North America week? Ugh colonialism is gross. While everyone is talking about the concept of being free from restrictions, I’m interviewing veteran podcasters about their flagship projects that produce free short fiction for me and for you. From the horror stories of Pseudopod to the science fiction of Escape Pod to fantasy stories of Podcastle – there’s an Escape Artists’ podcast for that. Check them out at https://escapeartists.net/
Today, the inimitable SB Divya, Mur Lafferty, and Alasdair Stuart chat about what they’re passionate about in podcasting, how they got into podcasting, and how they’ve built community.
SB Divya
- Former engineer specializing in machine learning with an education in computational neuroscience and signal processing
- Writer https://www.eff-words.com/
- New Book: Contingency Plans for the Apocalypse and Other Possible Situations (2019)
Mur Lafferty
- Many accolades including winning two parsec awards in the same year in 2008, won the 2018 Best Fancast Hugo Award for Ditch Diggers
- Writer http://murverse.com
Alasdair Stuart
- Co-owns Escape Artist Podcasts
- Writer https://alasdairstuart.com/ (as seen in the Guardian, Sci Fi Now, How it Works, The Fortean Times, Neo, SFX, Bleeding Cool)
Escape Artists (https://escapeartists.net/)
- Podcastle, The Fantasy Fiction Podcast
- Pseudopod, The Sound of Horror
- Escape Pod, The Original Science Fiction Podcast
- 576 – Karma among the Cloud Kings
- Cast of Wonders, The Young Adult Speculative Fiction Podcast
- Support them at https://www.patreon.com/EAPodcasts
Check out Escape Pod: http://escapepod.org/feed/podcast
I mention: 697 – The Last Stellar Death Metal Opera
I also really liked: 701/700, 692/691, 672, 661, 660, 636, 633/632, 624, 619, 617, 613,
1) What themes in science fiction excite or fill you with passion?
2) Why did you decide to get involved hosting Escape Pod?
3) How has podcasting built meaningful relationships for you among other show contributors?
4) How has Escape Pod built community for itself over the years?
5) I’ve noticed since 2014, Escape Pod has become significantly more representative of women, people of colour, and queerness in story choice. Was this a conscious choice and how did it happen?
6) Have you ever felt exposed or surprised by information the community had about you that you published years ago?